The Downfall of the Umayyads
In 750, Abu-al Abass
overthrew the Umayad Empire. The empire had been in decline for
years. Conquests of new lands had declined, reducing riches
pouring into the Umayyad's coffers. Also, the number of people
paying Zakat declined 42%. There were three Caliphs in
one year, 744.
The Umayyads had earned the
title of being too interested in worldly goods. This angered
religious leaders. Some people went around making secret
societies planning the downfall of the Umayyad Empire.
Abu-al Abass killed all the
Umayyad's leading officers exept for one person, who escaped. He
was Abd al Rahmun. He fled to Spain, reuniting the warring Muslim
fractions and resurrecting the Umayyad Caliphate.
In the east, the Abassids
moved the capital from Damascus to Baghdad in Mesopotamia. Abu-al
Abass took on the name "al Saffa" or the bloodthirsty.