Umayyad Unity
Under the Umayyad rule,
many diferrent people made up the empire. The Umayyads, unlike
previous rulers, were generally tolerant of other cultures and
religions making Umayyad rule popular for a while.
The first thing the new
governers did when the came to a provincce was to set up a
government. The governers were given orders from the Caliph
himself to be strict with their subjects.
Another thing tying people
together was the economy. Coinage was used in markets. Money
funded the army, building of mosques and schools, and othe
Umayyad programs.

A pair of coins.
Religious architectre
unified the empire. Arab conquerers would build a mosque to thank
Allah for their succesful battles. Religious taxes, or Zakat,
paid for the upkeeping of the state and its programs.